Γυναίκα / 36 / Σε σχέση
Ν. Αττικής (Πειραιάς) / Νίκαια
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geia sas...mexri kai prin apo 3 mhnes eimastan mia parea koritsiwn polu ennwmenh....apoteloumenh apo 6 atoma...oi 5 phgainoume sto idio sxoleio ki etsi hmastan olh thn mera mazi...h allh phggaine allou alla briskomastan polu syxna...me th mia apo utes kanw parea apo to dhmotiko enw me tis alles apo to gumnasio...milame gia 12 kai 6 xronia filias antistoixa....mesa apo thn parea 2 eixame statheres sxeseis[pragma pou den mas xwrisw pote] enw oi alles apo dw ki apo kei...tous teleutaious 3 mhnes parathreitai en paraxeno gegonos....h mia ta eftiaxe me kapoion kai allh me ton filo tou kai apo tote h katastah einai ena drama...mas grafoun sunexeia bgainoun metaxy tou ki emeis den mporoume na anidrasoume...kai san mhm eftane ayto xekopse ki allh mazi mas giati leei oti thelei na eimaste oles mazi oi kanenas...ki etsi exw meinei egw me thn kopela pou eimai mazi ths apo to dhmotiko....kai den xeroume ti na kanoume..dhladh molis mphkan se mia sxsesh ma xegrpsan?sthn telikh ki egw exw sxesh xronia alla den tous egrapsa stigmh....panta etsi sumbainei?tha gurisoun?dhladh exoume filous mexri na broume suntrofo?
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